Adventures in IT and Life

Category Archives: Foodies

I love to cook, eat and drink. Here I will discuss food, wine, beer and other delicious topics

Foodies, Leisure, Spirits

My ‘Spirited’ Journey with Gin

Did you know that originally Gin was medicinal? Dating back as early as the 11th century Monks in Salerno Italy were using the juniper berry to distill in wine and more potent alcoholic tonics... Wait a minute Joe!? I bet you're asking yourself why [...]

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Foodies, Leisure

Living la Vida … Sous Vide

Maybe you're watching Chopped or you'vre heard the term thrown around at a gathering and are asking yourself, "What is Sous Vide?" First things first. The term 'Sous Vide' is from the French, "Under Vacuum" It is a cooking method by which [...]

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