Adventures in IT and Life

vJoeG – the Blog


I come bearing gifts!

Well gifts of knowledge, tricks, tips and insights into Technology, gaming, sports, food and Beer! ya know #FreeAsInBeer

I am hoping this blog will be a valuable and fun resource for all my friends, colleagues and any one else who wants to read. If not well at least it’s a place for me to store some of the useless knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years as well as the relevant information that I come across in daily life and at work.

From my first Atari to my bada$$ Commodore-64 with Dual Floppy drives to play AD&D to that day in 1985 when my Dad brought home an old Olivetti computer from AT&T with DOS I was hooked on technology. Since then my career took me to college for my BS in Computer Science and a start as a programmer for CSC. I left programming for software and hardware support then on to Networking, Servers and now Virtualization where I am a Sr. Consultant for the End User Computing division at VMware.

During my career growth I also made time to be a dad to a couple of great kids, and had a couple of wives too. The latest model is a keeper 😉

I invite you to subscribe, bookmark, pencil me into your list of must reads. I will try not to disappoint 🙂

Till the next post.



One comment on “vJoeG – the Blog”

  1. Toni says:

    Cool..have fun with it !

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